• Events and Public Courses
  • Seminar: Senior Modern Psychoanalysts: Modern Psychoanalysis: Past, Present, and Future

    Friday, October 23, 2015. 7:30-9:30 PM

    This panel takes a Janus-like view of modern psychoanalysis. Like the two-faced Roman deity who stood as the guardian to doorways, passages, and transitions, this illustrious group, chaired by Stanley Hayden, one of CMPS’s founders, examines modern psychoanalysis, its prior accomplishments and future promise. RSVP by email.

    Stanley Hayden, PhD, founder, CMPS, NJCMPS, faculty PSP, BGSP, CCMPS; Paul Geltner, DSW, CMPS graduate, faculty PPSC, author, Emotional Communication; Gerald Fishbein, PhD, founder, CMPS, faculty CMPS, ACAP; Valerie Frankfeldt, LCSW, PhD, CMPS graduate, faculty PPSC, MMI, CCMPS; Robert Marshall, PhD, CMPS faculty, author, The Transference-Countertransference Matrix.

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