• Education
  • Certificate Candidacy

    Admission to Certificate Candidacy requires completion of all courses comprising the first two years of the program.  After a minimum of 100 hours of approved training analysis, and successful completion of the Level I coursework (see page 3 of the current registration information), a student in good standing is eligible to apply for Certificate Candidacy. 

    Clinical Studies Internship: Consultation and Referral Service

    Students approved for Certificate Candidacy are eligible to begin supervised clinical training at the CMPS Consultation and Referral Service in conjunction with relevant course work. PT 2610 Treatment Beginnings: Psychopathology & Psychodiagnosis is a forum for the discussion of issues arising particularly in the early phases of doing treatment at the Consultation and Referral Service. PT 2611 Case Practicum is for candidates working with patients beyond the treatment destructive phase.

    Level 2 students meet with Fellows weekly to give an ongoing account of the progress of their cases and to discuss administrative procedures and academic requirements. All Consultation and Referral Service cases are in approved weekly clinical supervisions. After 50 sessions of PT 211i Beginning Supervision of Consultation and Referral Service Cases, clinically experienced candidates may apply to begin PT 311 Supervision of Consultation and Referral Service Cases. Procedures and readiness for beginning PT 311 and PT 411 Control Analysis of a Consultation and Referral Service Case are discussed with the candidate’s Fellow. PT 311 and PT 411 are taken with different supervisors. Candidates with larger case loads receive additional supervision by arranging an additional PT 311 or by enrolling in PT 611 Small Group Supervision of Referral Service Cases (Supplemental). The Fellow ensures that the amount of supervision received matches the size of the candidate's case load. All candidates working with patients at the Consultation and Referral Service are in an approved individual weekly analysis. Candidates may not receive credit for supervision taken with their analysts.