• Education
  • Research Candidacy

    Certificate candidates who have made a successful presentation of cases to the Faculty Council, have completed all Level 1 and Level 2 coursework, and have had at least 25 hours of PT 411 Control Analysis register every semester until graduation for one of the following: PT 524a Research Practicum & Ethics, PT 524b Findings in Psychoanalytic Research & Ethics, or PT 527 Research Supervision, and for either PT 2612 Advanced Case Practicum or GT 2612 Practicum in Modern Group Analysis. Candidates submit a 3-to-5-page description of an area of research interest to the Research Committee. When this is approved, the student begins the final project. Research is conducted under the guidance of the Research Supervisor in PT 527 until completion of the final project. The case selected for research is studied in PT 411 Control Analysis. The control analyst supervises the case and verifies the clinical data in the final written research project.