• Education
  • PEP Database

    The PEP (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing) database contains fulltext journal articles and books, including Freud's Standard Edition, and is the primary research tool in the psychoanalytic field.

    What's included in the database?
    Go to the PEP site and look in the Journals or Books tabs for up-to-date information.

    How do I get full access to articles?
    Faculty and currently registered students of NYGSP and CMPS receive individual logins from the librarian. We're unable to provide subscriptions to alumni or students on leave, but you're welcome to use PEP onsite on the library PCs. To obtain your own subscription, see PEP's rates here.

    The article I want isn't coming up fulltext. How do I get it?
    PEP doesn't provide fulltext for the most recent few years. We might have the journal you're looking for in the library or we should be able to obtain it elsewhere, so contact the librarian. Note that Psychoanalytic Quarterly publishes abstracts of articles that have appeared in other journals, and the journal containing that original article may not be in PEP.

    Are all my class readings on PEP?
    PEP is provided to students as a general research tool. Depending on your class syllabus, some of your readings may be available through PEP, but faculty are free to choose readings from other sources. Links to readings on PEP are provided on your syllabi, and will bring you to fulltext materials once you've logged into your PEP account on that device.