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    CMPS Training Program

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    CMPS Bulletin 2023 - 2024


    Course Descriptions

    PT 7 Individual Psychoanalysis 

    All students are, at minimum, in a once-a-week individual psychoanalysis with an approved training analyst throughout their training. (See graduation requirements.) Documentation of analytic hours must be provided every semester.

    PT 8 Group Analysis

    150 sessions of an approved group analysis may be applied toward requirements for graduation.


    This group of courses offers students an opportunity to learn how repetition unfolds in psychoanalysis. Maturation courses investigate normal and pathological development, as well as theories of regression, using case studies cases to illuminate stages in the developmental process. Neurophysiological sequences are related to the vicissitudes of instinctual life as they affect emotional development.

    PT 140 Sociocultural Influences on Maturation and Psychopathology

    This course explores the effects of the social world on the individual, including how sociocultural experiences and affiliations shape personality. The effects that family, ethnicity, gender, culture, and race have on identity development and psychopathology are examined. The course includes a weekly lab component in a setting chosen by the student.

    PT 141 Human Development: How the Mind Unfolds, Part 1

    This course explores the constitutional and environmental factors that contribute to maturation in the preoedipal period, including early conflict states, symbiosis, omnipotence, envy, oral and anal eroticism, with emphasis on the roles of the constructive and destructive drives. Aspects of character structure rooted in this period are examined in order to study normal and pathological development.

    PT 142 Human Development: How the Mind Unfolds, Part 2

    The emotional dynamics of the child in the oedipal stage are explored. Children in this age group struggle with beginning transformations of the destructive drive and its influence on character, including oppositional syndromes and defenses that develop to deal with aggressive impulses. The course examines early somatization struggles as well as the role of fantasy and screen memories in maturation. It looks at specific forms of the Oedipus complex within the family romance.

    PT 143 Latency

    This course explores the external and internal transformations in the latency-age child, especially regarding management of the libidinal and aggressive drives, the altered role of fantasy, and a widening range of defenses.

    PT 144 Adolescence

    This course explores the psychic turmoil of adolescence, including conflicts concerning the libidinal and aggressive drives, transformations in object relations, and the reemergence of early issues within the framework of greater biological and cognitive maturity.

    PT 147 Adulthood

    This course identifies the central developmental tasks and conflicts typical of the stages of adulthood. Young adults struggle with pregenital and genital aims, the repetition of incestuous longings, and the fear of intimacy. Middle-aged and older adults face new realities: limitations of possibility, physical and sexual changes, the departure of children, marital readjustments, and the approach of death. Also examined are early conflicts that reemerge in adulthood, and transference, countertransference, and resistance issues in the treatment of aging patients.


    This area of study gives students a broad foundation in classical and contemporary theories of psychoanalysis.

    PT 150 Concepts of Group Psychoanalysis

    This course considers the phenomenology of the setting, the handling of resistances, and the role of management of impulses in group interactions as they pertain to the modern psychoanalytic treatment of groups, families, and couples.

    PT 151a Basic Psychoanalytic Theory, Part 1

    Core psychoanalytic concepts are defined, as are the central issues on which psychoanalysts have found a common base. Changes in structure from the preverbal to the verbal period of life are studied; the expression of drives, their role in character formation, and the implications of the pleasure principle and the repetition compulsion for behavior are considered.

    PT 151b Basic Psychoanalytic Theory, Part 2

    This course continues the study of major theoretical concepts in psychoanalysis, focusing on human motivation, the nature of mind, and the important forces in character formation. Emphasis is on the interplay of the drives in specific character types and its implications for the psychoanalytic process and the nature of cure.

    PT 152 Character Studies in Literature

    Using characters from literature, the student gains an understanding of severe character pathology.

    PT 154 Comparative Psychoanalysis

    Major trends in psychoanalytic thought, including ego psychology, object relations, self psychology, relational and modern psychoanalysis, and Lacanian theory are studied. The course explores the similarities and differences in their concepts of drive, object, self, transference, countertransference, and resistance.

    PT 155 Dream, Fantasy, and Symbolic Communication

    This course acquaints students with the wish-fulfillment theory of dreams and with the language of the unconscious.Myths, fairy tales, creative works, dreams, and symptoms are studied to discover how primary-process thinking is expressed through symbolism, displacement, condensation, association, and visual imagery.

    PT 156 Modern Psychoanalytic Theory of Technique

    The course examines the modern psychoanalyst’s approach to treatment. It focuses on recognizing and resolving resistances and discovering what leads to cure. Students learn how verbal and nonverbal interventions can be derived from the analysis of induced countertransference reactions and used to foster, develop, and work through narcissistic and object transferences.

    PT 157 Transference and PT 158 Countertransference

    These courses provide an in-depth study of the concepts of transference and countertransference. The history, development, and use of the terms are studied from their beginnings to the present. Clinical and theoretical literature is read to elucidate the concepts and to give examples of how they are used. Case material contributed by class members will further illustrate theory and its application.

    PT 159 Unconscious Fantasy

    Unconscious fantasy is studied as it is manifested in literature, myth, scientific research, clinical material, and seemingly rational thought. Readings explore the theoretical controversies surrounding this concept.

    PT 160 Narcissism and Aggression

    The relationship between narcissism and aggression is studied in depth, with particular attention to those disorders in which self-hate predominates over self-love. The function of the narcissistic defense is clarified, and treatment techniques for working with narcissistic disorders are discussed.


    This sequence of courses traces the origins and development of Freud’s psychoanalysis, from its beginnings to his last paper in 1939.

    PT 161 History of Libido Theory in Freud

    Freud’s papers on human sexuality and libido theory, from the seduction theory to infantile sexuality, the perversions, transference love, and the concept of Eros as a binding force, are studied, with emphasis on Freud’s understanding of the role of libido in sexuality, civilization, and the binding of destructive forces.

    PT 162 History of Drive Theory in Freud

    Freud’s later papers are studied: the dual-drive theory and the repetition compulsion; the division of the psyche into ego, id, and superego; the sources of anxiety; the effects of innate destructiveness on the prospects for civilization; analysis terminable and interminable; and Freud’s summing-up of the state of psychoanalysis in 1939. The continuing influence of these papers on contemporary thought is examined in relation to current treatment approaches and contemporary understandings of the role of destructive aggression.


    In PT 181, students learn about the physiological basis of mentation and emotion. PT 184 focuses on the diagnosis of psychoses and other severe mental disorders. In PT 187, students learn to critically observe serious mental disorders in a wide variety of media and develop psychoanalytic listening skills. PT 186, a final diagnostic course dealing with less severe pathologies, is taken before advancing to Certificate Candidacy, where clinical studies focus on resistance, transference, and countertransference issues.

    PT 181 Somatic Factors: The Biology of Mind and Behavior

    Students learn the significance of chemical, organic, and physiological factors and their interaction in psychic functioning. The course reviews brain anatomy and development, genetics and evolution of behavior, developments in neuroscience, the mind/body connection, and the effects of chemical intervention in various populations.

    PT 184 Primitive Mental States

    This course imparts a psychodynamic understanding of symptoms, core conflicts, and characteristic defenses in the psychotic, narcissistic, and personality disorders. 

    PT 186 Beyond Psychosis: Conflict and Defense in the Neuroses and Character Disorders

    This course deals with a range of pathologies likely to be encountered in patients at the Consultation and Referral Service and in private practice.

    PT 187a and PT 187b Critical Observation and Psychoanalytic Listening, Parts 1 and 2

    Through fiction and documentary film, guest lectures, and readings spanning clinical theory, case material, and film analysis, this course will develop skills critical to understanding patients— including close observation and psychoanalytic listening. It will supplement discussion of readings with a laboratory component consisting of visual and audio media focusing on primitive mental functioning.


    The following clinical courses require Certificate Candidacy and Consultation and Referral Service status. Either one of the first two is required every semester until Research Candidacy is attained.

    PT 2610 Seminar in Clinical Practice, Psychopathology, and Psychodiagnosis I

    This practicum focuses on issues that arise early in treatment, ranging from concerns with establishing a contract and dealing with treatment-destructive resistances to the recognition of characterological repetitions in both patients and therapists that impede progress.

    PT 2611 Seminar in Clinical Practice, Psychopathology, and Psychodiagnosis II

    This case seminar focuses on the dynamics and treatment of ongoing psychoanalytic cases.

    PT 2612 Seminar in Clinical Practice, Psychopathology, and Psychodiagnosis III

    Prerequisite: Research Candidacy
    As in PT 2610 and PT 2611, cases are presented and discussed, but with a particular focus on the deeper aspects of unconscious motivation. The course provides a setting for advanced candidates to discuss and elucidate the psychodynamics of a variety of cases in the middle and later stages of treatment. Level 3 students register for PT 2612 every semester until graduation.


    The research curriculum guides students from a survey of research in the human sciences to an understanding of specifically psychoanalytic research methods. It further helps the candidate design, execute, and write a single-case study.

    PT 171 Systematic Investigations and Ethics

    This course provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge of research methodology. Students examine what is basic to scientific inquiry and study how the human sciences investigate psychodynamic issues. Ethical issues that arise in conducting psychoanalytic research are discussed.

    PT 172 Clinical Investigations and Ethics in Psychoanalysis

    Prerequisite: PT 171
    This course introduces students to a variety of research methodologies that have been used to study psychoanalytic questions. Contemporary methodological concepts are introduced and the problems inherent in psychoanalytic investigations involving clinical material are explored. Students learn how psychoanalytic methods used to infer hidden meanings behind irrational behaviors, beliefs, perceptions, and emotions are utilized in conducting research. Ethical issues that arise in conducting psychoanalytic research are discussed.

    PT 522 The Single-Case Study: A Research Tool

    This course provides both an overview of the single-case research paper and a focus on identifying unconscious processes and making inferences about them. Methods for selecting data that reveal and/or illustrate the dynamics operating in the clinical setting are discussed, along with consideration of how to select and review appropriate literature.

    PT 527 Research Supervision/Ethics

    This course provides six 50-minute sessions of individual work with a Research Supervisor, scheduled approximately every two weeks during one semester at the mutual convenience of the Research Candidate and Research Supervisor. Ethical issues in conducting a singlecase study are considered.


    Casework at the Consultation and Referral Service is conducted under supervision. Weekly supervision is required until graduation.

    PT 211i Beginning Individual Supervision of Consultation and Referral Service Cases

    (Privately arranged)
    Identifying and working with early resistances in psychoanalytic treatment is emphasized. A minimum of fifty hours with one supervisor is required.

    PT 311 Individual Supervision of Consultation and Referral Service Cases

    (Privately arranged)
    Prerequisite: Fellow approval
    Candidates present their Consultation and Referral Service cases. A minimum of fifty hours with one supervisor other than the PT 211i supervisor is required; candidates are in PT 311 supervision every semester until graduation.

    PT 411 Control Analysis of a Consultation and Referral Service Case

    (Privately arranged)
    Prerequisite: Fellow approval
    The candidate presents one case to an approved control analyst, a minimum of one hour for every four hours of patient contact. In-depth study of the single case focuses on resolution of resistances and comprehensive understanding of the patient’s dynamics. A minimum of fifty hours with one supervisor other than the PT 211i and PT 311 supervisors is required.

    PT 611 Small-Group Supervision of Referral Service Cases (Supplemental)

    (Upon advisement)
    Prerequisite: Concurrent participation in PT 311
    The small-group setting allows candidates to observe the supervisory process and gain experience with cases other than their own. Registration is limited to groups of three.

    PT 490 Consultation and Referral Service Laboratory

    Prerequisite: Certificate Candidacy
    All candidates working with patients meet weekly with their Fellow to learn Consultation and Referral Service procedures, receive academic advisement, and practice presenting cases. The Fellow monitors the candidate’s progress through the program and assesses the amount of supervision the candidate needs.